We are the original and most advanced pioneers in the HVAC-R performance solutions industry. We invented this market nearly 30 years ago and still have the majority of the patented technologies in use today. By combining patented and proven chemical applications along with emerging and state-of-the-art nanotechnologies, we are able to improve overall efficiency and energy consumption of any HVAC-R system with guaranteed results.
The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) determined years ago that HVAC-R units lose efficiency over time due to the oil fouling that quickly accumulates in heat echangers. CryogenX-4 works to immediately improve the kW/ton rating in any unit treated to a rating at or very near what it was when new. This results in saving of 10-30% off the current HVAC-R energy bill
HVAC-R units begin losing capacity as soon as they are put into service. In the first 3-years of operation, units will lose up to 10% and that trend continues until leveling off at 25-30% capacity loss. CryogenX-4 restores nearly all of this lost capacity with only a single treatment that lasts for the remaining life of the system. Our technology comes with a 3-year payback guarantee and a lifetime warranty against damage.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that the 18,300 in kWh savings generated over a 10-year period by each single unit of CryogenX-4 will avoid 12.9 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions. This is the equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions from 2.7 passenger cars or the consumption of 1,447 gallons of gasoline each year.
The Tri-S family of products have been proven safe and effective in reducing HVAC-related energy cost over 20+ years in service, 150,000+ installations, and by multiple national laboratories when implemented according to the company's instructions. Tri-S Technologies is not responsible for resulting actions when deviating from the aforementioned instructions.
Copyright 2020 by TRI-S Technologies, LLC. All rights reserved.